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Took Edgeworth about three seconds to show up
Took Edgeworth 3 Seconds to get there
miles edgeworth being a "straight" savage for 3 minutes and 17 seconds (PW:AA, AA:JFA)
So Over Edgeworth
Repeating it Delicately (Ace Attorney Animation Remake) [Paula Peroff]
It Took Edgeworth About Three Seconds {Voice Over}
Phoenix Just Wasted 10 Seconds of Edgeworth's Life
Objection Funk except it's 4 seconds long and Edgeworth scream OBJECTION at the top of his lungs
Flipping the Parrot (Ace Attorney Animation)[Paula Peroff]
Ace Attorney for people who haven't played it
Edgeworth Calls You a Clown for 5 Seconds